Monday, November 3, 2008


I've been watching some of the speeches our Presidential candidates have been having today in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and I was thinking of how angry half the country is going to be come November 5th. I had read in a NY times article on Friday that half of the people who had chosen a candidate were "scared" about the other candidate being elected.

Think about it.
"The survey found that opinions of Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain had hardened considerably, as 9 out of 10 voters who said they had settled on a candidate said their minds were made up, and a growing number of them called it “extremely important” that their candidate win the election. Roughly half of each candidate’s supporters said they were “scared” of what the other candidate would do if elected. Just 4 percent of voters were undecided, and when they were pressed to say whom they leaned toward, the shape of the race remained essentially the same."

No matter who is elected thet are immediatly going to have one of the worst presidential approval ratings if you ignore current President Bush. Not only that, but either way the economy looks like its going to get worse before it gets better. Plus the aftermath of the new President's influence on the war in Iraq. 

Am I alone in this worry? Because no one I know has mentioned it to me, and I have not mentioned it to anyone else either.

I really mean think about it, I would recommend not replying immediatly after reading. Unless, of course, if I am not alone. 

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