Thursday, September 4, 2008

I am a Hijacker

I love to talk. I LOVE to argue and discuss with people. I will do my absolute best to steer any discussion I am a part in towards what I think of. If you don't want to learn what I want to learn about don't let me. Say something. Anything. Inturrupt me, tell me I'm wrong, show me why you disagree with me. 

I took control of the conversation that my group was having, I made people think that all I wanted out of the class was "learning how to learn." I do want to learn about how politics and the internet interact (I'm a PolySci Major too, you know). But I feel that learning how to control our own education is far mor valuable than learning how Obama's campaign revolutionized party politics on the internet or whatever else. If you learn how to teach yourself even to a limited degree it is something that will ALWAYS be relevent no matter what it is you are trying to learn. It could be something as menial as tying a tie, or something as intense as learning how to lead a non-violent civil action group.

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